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Ethics matters related to internet use: Articles (11)

SIFA Training for Secondary School OBERNDORF

Safer Internet Workshop an NMS Oberndorf/Melk

3 Schülerinnen der 4AK hielten am 12. Februar 2016 mit Unterstützung von Herrn Prof. Bugl an der NMS Oberndorf/Melk einen Workshop zum Thema "Internetsicherheit".

Wie ist ein sicheres Passwort aufgebaut? Wie verhalte ich mich in sozialen Netzwerken? Welche Bilder, Videos, Daten stelle ich von mir und Freunden ins Internet? Was ist überhaupt Cyber Mobbing und wie kann ich mich dagegen wehren?

Diese und viele weitere Fragen beantwortetenSophie Ebert, Bianca Hader und Teresa Leonhartsberger (alle 4AK) den interessierten SchülerInnen der 1. und 2. Klassen der NMS Oberndorf/Melk. Gemeinseim wurde fleißig gearbeitet und diskutiert!

Das positive Feedback von Frau Direktor Moosbauer: “Der Unterricht hat für unsere Kinder sehr genau gepasst – ich glaube, man hat das Interesse am Thema auch spüren können!“ unterstreicht, dass der Workshop von den HAK-Schülerinnen interessant und abwechslungsreich gestaltet wurde.


School meeting at Os vgs

Thursday February 25, Os vgs had a meeting with the Department of Education and Training in Hordaland Fylkeskommune. At this meeting we presented the project and what we have done so far. We got a good feedback on our project and they were interested in further dissemination of our project to other schools in our region.

Two of the students, who have participated in the project (Malene and Henrik) presented their experiences and what they have learned. In addition to this, Tone and Mona talked about the project in general and how this has helped us in our work as teachers. 



Dissemination at NA in Poland

On 7th October 2015, the Polish coordinator Pawel Posnik, gave a presentation about SIFA project to the teachers from all over the country. The presentation was mainly about the topic of the project, dissemination of results, management and the products of SIFA project. During the discussion that followed the teachers talked about ways of dealing with arrangements, students' participation, communication within the project, etc. The project itself was greeted with great ethusiasm.


Thank you from Poland

A big thank you to all the Greek teachers, students and host families for preparing such a wonderful visit. The memories will stay with us forever. Here are the Polish students' memories.

‘This visit to Greece was a great adventure for me. I had an opportunity to meet new people, see new places and get some knowledge about web ethics. It was all well planned - school activities, sightseeing, free time. All the presentations and workshops were interesting and easy to understand. The things I've learned, about copyright, plagiarism, social network and others, I'm gonna use in my everyday life. The places I've seen and all the things I've experienced will stay in my memory for a long time. During this week I improved my English and made friendships for life.  The food was delicious and the hospitality was great. Thanks to my Greek family everything felt like home - I miss them already. I'm really grateful and I'd like to thank for all the love I got from them. These memories are among the best in my life.’

Agnieszka Mazur




The following article (in Greek) describes phenomena like Internet Piracy and defines concepts like copyrightplagiarism etc.

Piracy is one of the most serious crimes of the international law that has made and is still making developed societies to suffer. A new era of piracy has begun with the dissemination of digital electronics and now it evolves and spreads through the network. Until a few years ago, piracy on the internet was a little commercial threat mainly for the music industry. That changed because of new data compression modes discovered and because of the increase of available data transfer speed of the network. 

INTERNET PIRACY (Presentation)



Παρουσιάσεις μαθητών για σεξουαλική παρενόχληση

Μαθητές από το 2ο ΓΕΛ Κω ετοίμασαν παρουσίαση για θέματα που σχετίζονται με σεξουαλική παρενόχληση μέσω διαδικτύου και ηθική. Έγινε παρουσίαση σε μαθητές άλλων σχολείων (Γυμνάσια) και τα αποτελέσματα παρουσιάστηκαν και σε ειδική εκδήλωση για την ασφάλεια στο διαδίκτυο, τη Δευτέρα 23/12/2014 που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο αμφιθέατρο του σχολείου. Ακολουθεί η παρουσίαση και σχετικά βίντεο:



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Παρουσίαση του SIFA σε διεθνές συνέδριο …

Μετά από πρόσκληση του ΙΚΥ (Εθνική Μονάδα της Ελλάδας, Υπεύθυνη για τα προγράμματα Erasmus+), ο συντονιστής του προγράμματος Erasmus+ ΚΑ2...

Τελικά Προϊόντα του SIFA

Το πρόγραμμα SIFA έληξε τυπικά (31/8/2016). Παρόλα αυτά θα συνεχιστούν σχετικές δράσεις για τουλάχιστον 2 χρόνια μετά το πέρας του...

SIFA Training for Secondary School OBERN…

Safer Internet Workshop an NMS Oberndorf/Melk 3 Schülerinnen der 4AK hielten am 12. Februar 2016 mit Unterstützung von Herrn Prof. Bugl...

SIFA for female farmers

12 April 2016 - Students from HAK Ybbs organise workshops for local female farmers on Internet use and safety.

3 days of SIFA workshops in YBBS

On 2/6/13 June SIFA workshops were held at SZ Ybbs. The organisation JUSY (Jugendservice Ybbstal) worked with students on grooming...

SIFA-day in Norway

May 18th we gathered some of the students from our school to talk about the theme from the week in...

Travel letter from the Norwegian student…

The Norwegian students wrote a travel letter from the stay on Poland and this was published in a local newspaper.    http://www.midtsiden.no/internasjonalt-arbeid-om-nettmobbing 

Sweden meeting - Student results on Inte…

Results of the SIFA meeting at Fridagymnasiet in Vänersborg, Sweden, on the theme Internet Security The students' work on internet security...

Poland Meeting in Pictures - a week in 8…

click this link for the pictures:https://youtu.be/qEhRS6ACd44

Safe Internet quiz

1) According to FB addiction stats the most FB addicted (the biggest numer of posts a day) country is: a) Brasil b) Egypt c)...


Erasmus + National Agency in Poland has published the material about the Safe Internet For All Day at the school...


Mr Armand Stanczak from the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology gave a presentation about the wise use of the Internet...


There were at least 10 stalls with different kinds od dishes. All of the dishes were made by the students...


Integration evening at the school in Grojec was an entertaining event which helped the students integrate even more. During the...

WORKSHOPS - creating websites

Students were working collaboratively to create websites, using weebly.com There were four international groups, each working on a separate topic. The...


A presentation on the causes and consequences of grooming and sexting was given by Ewa Dziemidowicz from Nobody's Children Foundation...

Presentation of questionnaire analysis

Presentation of questionnaire analysis (Safety on the Internet) by Giorgos Hlapanis.

QUIZ at Jagiellonian University

The visit in Krakow started with a workshop at Jagiellonian University. Phd Dominika Dziwisz conducted a quiz checking the students...

Presentation on Cyberbullying by ALTER

One of the presentations given during the visit in Poland was one on cyberbullying and cyberstalking. Mr Andrzej Chodkiewicz from...