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Ethics matters related to internet use: Results (17)

Task 4 - quiz questions from Poland

Task 4 - Quiz

Online Rights

1. Which from these activities can break Online Rights?

a. posting a picture of you

b. posting a photo of your classmates without their permission

c. writing a negative comment under someone's photo

Online Responsibilities

2. What are your responsibilities as a user of Social Media?

a. to respect other users

b. to behave in a proper way

c. be nice to everyone


3. Which from these situations is Plagiarism?

a. to repeat somebody's sentence in a casual conversation

b. to post words from your favourite book, using double quotes and giving the author

c. to rewrite an essay created by someone else and sign as yours


4. Who is a copyrighter?

a. composes the watermarks or hidden text in the program

b. someone who has broken copyright

c. a lawyer who deals with the defense of copyright


5. Which from these activities is not piracy?

a. sharing music videos from YouTube on Facebook

b. downloading music from illegal websites

c. downloading and selling films

After how many years does the authorship law expire?

20 years

40 years

55 years

70 years

The subject of authorship law is NOT

Piece of music


Personal details (name, surname)


How many licenses are there in Creative Commons





Which country in the European Union has the highest percentage of people who violate the copyright law?





What is Plagiarism?

a) copying another person's work without their permission

b) sneering at someone

c) ignorance of the danger

d) impersonating another person

What is copyright?

a) the rights of the author of the song

b) stealing a song

c) misbehaviour designed to a client

d) collection of documents for buying the track

What is piracy?

a) breaking copyright law by illegal copying

b) sales of one's own products

c) inciting others to commit a crime

d) buying illegally online

What is allowed on the Web?

a) Cyberbullying

b) Social networking

c) Trolling

d) Unwanted contact

How many hours would it take an average Internet user to read all the privacy policy on the websites visited every year? (The Atlantic (2012) from "Web we want")





Which of the following passwords is the safest?

a) op32n


c) Coldplay


What is the minimal age at which you can register on Facebook, Instagram and google+? (google+ in most countries, there are a few exceptions)

a) 12

b) 13

c) 14

d) 15

What is a libel?

a) "publication" of a false statement of fact that harms another person's reputation

b) kind of licence which lets us use materials without permission

c) part of post online where we give a link to somebody's profile

d) place which we can call when having a problem with a computer


Task 3 - questions from Poland

TASK 3 - questions

1) What consequences are there for a person who commits a crime on the Internet?

2) Has using Free Software got any disadvantages?

3) While preparing for this workshop I watched a film called Cyberbully (in which the main character is played by a famous actress from Game of Thrones). The film, as the name suggests, is about a person who is blackmailed by a hacker who threatens to show the girl's nude pictures or her allegedly deleted online talks with friends. Do you think that films like that are more successful when it comes to educating youth about sharing their private photos with friends than just meetings with experts?

• It is commonly thought that people who tend to be cyberbullies are not respected in real life, probably shy and scared of expressing their own opinion. Are these stereotypes true? Is there a specific, reoccurring profile of a typical cyberbully?

4) How should we behave on the Internet, what is unacceptable?

5) Is it legal to put a quote from a newspaper or a book in any other media? What information should we add there?

6) Is it safe for school websites to post the list of students and their timetables?

7) How does this analysis help you to work? Is it helpful?


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