SIFA Final Products Featured
- Written by Giorgos Errikos Hlapanis
- Published in Transnational meetings
- Read 173506 times
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Our SIFA project has officially ended. Yet, relevant follow up activities will continue for at least two more years and especially dissemination activities for the results and products that have been created. We would like to thank all students, teachers, parents, organisations and scientists/guests that participated in some way and helped us during the project implementation. We would li like to thank especially the Greek National Agency (IKY), as well as all NAs from the participating countries for their help during the project implementation.
The project has succesfully passed evaluation by the Greek National Agency and the products presented are final. We feel proud of the Final Products of this 2 year collaboration which have been produced by all participants in SIFA.
Anybody can use the material produced during SIFA implementation, as long as they mention the Erasmus+ Project SIFA and that the products have been created by EU Erasmus+ funding.
The attachments (SIFA products) are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and have been created during the implementation of the Erasmus+ Safe Internet For All (2014‐1‐EL01‐KA201‐001294) project.
Τα προϊόντα που ακολουθούν έχουν άδεια Creative Commons Αναφορά Δημιουργού - Παρόμοια Διανομή 4.0 Διεθνές και έχουν δημιουργηθεί στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Erasmus+ Safe Internet For All (Ασφαλές Διαδίκτυο για όλους - Σύμπραξη αποκλειστικά μεταξύ σχολείων με κωδικό 2014‐1‐EL01‐KA201‐001294)
- Product1_SIFA_site.docx (49857 Downloads)
- Product2_Twinspace.docx (49803 Downloads)
- Product3_Research_Results.docx (50134 Downloads)
- Product4_Contribution_to_saferinternet.docx (49776 Downloads)
- Product5_Activitites_in_Austria_Interrnet_Addiction.docx (49361 Downloads)
- Product6_Activities_in_Norway_about_Health.docx (49759 Downloads)
- Product7_Activities_in_Sweden_Security.docx (48397 Downloads)
- Product8_Activities_in_Greece_Ethics.docx (47053 Downloads)
- Product9_Activities_in_Poland_Safety.docx (46885 Downloads)
- Product10_Dissemination.docx (46732 Downloads)
- Product11_Workshops.docx (46547 Downloads)
- Product12_SIFA_days.docx (46554 Downloads)
Latest from Giorgos Errikos Hlapanis
- SIFA presented in an International Conference in Bonn Germany
- SIFA day in Greece and Preparation Activities
- Report about the creation of the Kahoot product
- Dissemination Activities - Students teaching other students in Greek schools (1st High School of Kos)
- Dissemination Activities - Students teaching other students in Greek schools (1st Primary School of Kos)