Meeting with eKoordinators
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- Published in Health matters related to internet use: Activities in Norway
Thursday all of the teachers went to Langhaugen vgs to meet with th eKoordinators in the region. In Hordaland county each school has an eKoordinator which is the person in the school who is responsible for teaching teachers and other staff about different software used in the schools. The eKoordinators are run by ePedagogs who are responsible for the schools in their region and follow up what needs to be done.
Tone is an ePedagog and Mona is Os vgs' eKoordinator. Since there was a meeting during the SIFA week we decided to bring everyone. The headmaster of Langhaugen vgs told us about the school. The school had a big show coming up, and we got to see a rehearsal of one of the dances in the show.Kjetil Brathetland from the county told us all about the education system in Norway and shared the ICT plans for the county. We presented the project to all of the schools in the region and each of the countries presented their schools as well. According to the plan all of the Norwegian schools were to present their schools as well, but we ran out of time before we got to this part.