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The meeting programme summary

Visit in Norway, SIFA Erasmus+ Project, Health


Sunday, 8th February, 2015

On Sunday we got up very early. We went to Warsaw by car. As you know in Poland it’s cold now, but in Norway it’s sometimes very freezing. When we arrived we needed to take a bus because we had another flight from Oslo. Finally, we arrived in Bergen. It’s the second biggest city in Norway. Some of us had to take a bus to go to Os. But some host families picked us up from the airport as well. So I went with my hosts to their house. The ‘trip’ wasn’t so long. They don’t live in the center so this district is very quiet. We had supper together and I told my host family about Poland. We spent that evening in a very interesting way.

Monday, 9th February 2015

The first day in Norway was… intensive. After breakfast in our host families, we were in school (in the red cross building exactly) at about 8.40. School here always starts this time. At the beginning, we had the ‘get to know’ activities. We built towers with spaghetti and marshmallows and we made international groups with people around us. For example a group of people, who like the same animals or whose birthday is in the same month. We also had a presentation of results from the special questionnaire for Norway – the same which we completed in our school. After lunch, we had workshops in teams. Each person was from another country. We had to make a film or a photo story connected with the topics which we had been given. My group said that we had to know each other to start the project so on Monday. We were talking about muscles in fingers and schools in different countries… At 14 o’clock there was a lecture about how huge influence of computer addiction is on obesity, depression etc. At 18 o’clock we watched a really good movie – ‘Her’. That was about a man who was in love with a very intelligent and emotional OS (operating system). We spent the rest of the day with our host families’ houses. (e.g. I watched a film with my host Mariell, her boyfriend and my flatmate – a girl from Sweden).


Polish students' memories from Norway

'The week in Norway was great fun. The activities were organized well so we had enough free time and time for work. My family was very hospitable. I felt so good there in this family atmosphere. The places which we visited I'll remember for a long time, the view of Bergen at night is amazing. This trip was great practice of my English skills. I hope that new relationships will last forever and we will have an opportunity to meet again offline.'


'In my opinion the trip to Norway was a good lesson for all of us. We learned how to use safe internet, we had a lot of exercises to improve our knowledge, but we also saw a different culture. In Norway there is better technology, so it was pleasure to see it. Now we know how people live there. For me the organization was very good. I would like to thank my host Lars Ulvar and his whole family for being so kind to me and for making me feel at home. If someone asks me: Do you want go to Norway once again? I will definitely answer… YES.'



Bezpieczny Internet Dla Wszystkich - podsumowanie wizyty w Norwegii


- uczniowie L.O. im. P.Skargi w Grójcu realizują projekt Erasmus+ w Norwegii

Norwegia to kolejny kraj, w którym uczniowie i nauczyciele z L.O. im. P.Skargi w Grójcu odbyli wizytę w ramach programu Erasmus+ na lata 2014-2016. Spotkanie krajów partnerskich: Polski, Norwegii, Szwecji, Grecji i Austrii miało na celu realizację projektu zatytułowanego "Safe Internet For All" (SIFA). Spotkanie w Austrii w grudniu 2014r dotyczyło uzależnień internetowych, natomiast wizyta w Norwegii była związana z zagrożeniami zdrowotnymi spowodowanymi nadmiernym korzystaniem z komputera i Internetu.

Podczas warsztatów uczniowie pracowali w grupach nad stworzeniem wspólnych produktów, którymi były filmy na temat zagrożeń zdrowotnych oraz sposobów przeciwdziałania tym problemom. Inspiracja i treść pochodziła z badań prowadzonych przez uczniów przed i podczas wizyty, wyników ankiety na temat Internetu i aspektów zdrowotnych, wykładu profesora z uniwersytetu w Bergen, wspólnej wymianie wiedzy i doświadczeń w tym temacie oraz konsultacji z nauczycielami. W szkole w Os, miejscowości położonej w bliskim sąsiedztwie Bergen, zorganizowano światowy Dzień Bezpiecznego Internetu, podczas którego uczniowie dyskutowali nad zagrożeniami internetowymi i omawiali różne realne sytuacje mogące się przydarzyć młodym ludziom.

Uczestnicy wizyty mieli również możliwość poznania kultury norweskiej, miejsc wartych zwiedzenia w okolicy Bergen, oraz historii tego narodu. Mieszkanie u rodzin norweskich oraz obcowanie i praca podczas warsztatów z młodzieżą z innych krajów dało wszystkim możliwość nawiązania przyjaźni i ćwiczenia języka angielskiego. Pomimo deszczowej pogody, widok fiordów z pewnością długo pozostanie w pamięci grupy realizującej projekt.  

Obecnie uczniowie przygotowują się do kolejnej wizyty w Szwecji, której tematem jest „Bezpieczeństwo w sieci”. Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie projektu: lub stronie liceum: w zakładce Erasmus+ - Safe Internet For All.

Paweł Pośnik

koordynator projektu


'eTwinning - the community for schools in Europe' - presentation given during the meeting with ICT teachers in Norway

The SIFA teachers had an opportunity to spread information about SIFA project to a wider community of ICT teachers in Norway. The presentation about eTwinning (public platform, desktop and Twinspace) was one of a few that made our project better known. It referred mainly to the tools and opportunities eTwinning provides for both students and teachers taking part in international projects. The presentation was mainly informative. Apart from it, the teachers taking part in the meeting were made familiar with the sources and links where they can find more information should they want to take advantage of the facilities eTwinning provides. 


Parental meeting (L.O. Grojec, Poland)

On 15th January 2015 there was held a parents’meeting in Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. P.Skargi in Grojec, Poland. During the meeting in the assembly hall the parents and teachers could watch a presentation on ‘Safe Internet For All’ project in the framework of Erasmus+ project. The audience were informed about all the work that has been done by the project participants, the products of the project and the follow-up steps to be taken. The lecture given by the Polish coordinator was both informative and educational. We aimed at making the parent aware of the problems the unwise use of the internet might cause and helping them deal with the possible obstacles. The problems mentioned were as follows: Internet addictions such as excessive use of the Internet, on-line gambling and excessive on-line gaming as well as health problems such as insomnia, obesity, back and eyesight problems and lack of social relationships. Apart from that the parents were also informed about other projects run by the school. One of the topics covered was health matters and safety on roads. The presentation was supported by a city police officer and health organization representative.




'Virtual violence hurts in real life' - Polish students attend a lecture

On Monday 5th January 2015, as part of ‘Safe Internet Day’, there was a presentation followed by a talk on one of the topics of Erasmus+ project ‘Safe Internet For All’ (SIFA). The Polish students of L.O. in Grojec listened to a lecture on Internet Addictions, Cyberbullying and Stalking. The presentation was given by a representative of ALTER Personal Development Centre. The participants were made familiar with the definitions of problems, legal issues and statistics. They were also advised on what to do in case they encounter the problem, where to look for help as well as how to avoid being a victim.





We have carried out an experiment. Students were asked not to use their mobile phones for 24 hours and write their comments as a follow-up. Here are some Polish students' impressions after they have spent a day without a mobile phone:

'Most teenagers can't spend an hour without a mobile phone. Smartphones are the biggest cause of this addiction together with internet connection which enables us to use social networking sites through app's or traditional browser versions. Sharing our lives with other people is addictive especially for girls. I don't need my phone all the time and a day without it wasn't difficult experience for me, it was similar to school-free days. I prefer to spend my free time in front of a computer, playing games is my hobby (possibly my addiction). As far as I'm concerned phone-free days like cigarette-free days are a good way to show dangers and time for reflection about "where our habits are going?". I recommend this to everyone even if he/she thinks that everything is allright.'  -   Szymon

'I stopped using my phone at about 5 p.m. yesterday. For me it was a typical day. I spent the day doing my routine tasks. I didn’t have any problems caused by the lack of my cell phone. I went to sleep quite late, at 1 a.m. (mainly because the next day was my day off school). I couldn’t set any alarm clock to wake me up so the next day I woke up at 10.30 in the morning. But at first I didn’t realise it was so late. I wished I had had my mobile phone then. The rest of my day was quite ordinary. I did some homework, surfed on the internet, played with my dog and had my dance classes. I was also in the cinema and there I started feeling strange, because I thought I had lost my phone. But I a moment later knew it was safe. When I got back my phone I noticed I had a lot of notifications. Luckily, nobody had been trying to call me. Only my grandfather had sent me a message. Summarizing, I spent this day in the same way as a normal one. I have got a lot of other hobbies as well…trust me.' -  Kamil

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