Parental meeting (L.O. Grojec, Poland)
- Written by Pawel
- Published in Internet Addiction: Articles
On 15th January 2015 there was held a parents’meeting in Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. P.Skargi in Grojec, Poland. During the meeting in the assembly hall the parents and teachers could watch a presentation on ‘Safe Internet For All’ project in the framework of Erasmus+ project. The audience were informed about all the work that has been done by the project participants, the products of the project and the follow-up steps to be taken. The lecture given by the Polish coordinator was both informative and educational. We aimed at making the parent aware of the problems the unwise use of the internet might cause and helping them deal with the possible obstacles. The problems mentioned were as follows: Internet addictions such as excessive use of the Internet, on-line gambling and excessive on-line gaming as well as health problems such as insomnia, obesity, back and eyesight problems and lack of social relationships. Apart from that the parents were also informed about other projects run by the school. One of the topics covered was health matters and safety on roads. The presentation was supported by a city police officer and health organization representative.